A Picture is not the whole Story, but a really good excerpt.

I took a little bit longer on this unit for Digital Storytelling than I have the others. I want to say it was that I was not entirely wanting to do all the extra assignments but in reality, I was neglecting my knitting projects and I had too much fun making an Illusion Deadpool Scarf to work on a blog post. Check it out here!

So I started this unit, back in the day, with a really engaging Photoblitz! Since it is too cold outside here in Minne”snow”ta I did this assignment inside my home. Its a glimpse of the whole story because it doesn’t portray all the pieces of our lives. That is probably the most interesting part of a photo, it is the perfect little side story of someone’s life. A moment in time depicting that little scene that can mean something to everyone or a whole world of memories to an individual.

Taking these photos, like I said earlier, was really engaging and a lot of fun, not just because I also included my baby boy. But I also learned new techniques to take a better photo. The depth of view and perception, background and foreground focus and lighting are the few that I focused on the most. Taking a photo that focuses on the background rather than the foreground like of my knitting and the lighting on my snake plant was interesting that it provided a new view on an object I see every day. I loved playing with the different angles and intensity of lighting on an object, whether I adjusted a curtain or moved the item itself to highlight key points or shadows was fun also. It shows that just because something exists that it doesn’t have just one look or one purpose. Overall, I love the new ways I can take a photo to make it extraordinary.

Check out too my other Daily Creations and artwork for this unit.

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